Gothic Americana Music



Memories are all but blades of grass
Seasons will change and the hours will pass
Let me lay alone in fields of green
And reflect on all the sights I’ve seen

Guided by the ancestors in dreams
Spoken soft in symbols and in themes
I am held and equally I hold
One is silver and the other gold

To whisper to the lands I trod
A love letter sent upon the wind
Communion among the wildflowers
Is where the romance truly begins
To whisper to the lands I trod
A love letter sent upon the wind
Communion among the wildflowers
Is where the romance truly begins

Memories ephemeral and gray
Try to clasp them as they slip away
Tracing constellations in the dark
Romance kindled in a single spark

To feel the lives that came before
The bloodlines that flow from then til now
Cup is filled, I want not for more
Offer to the land my sacred vows

To find a home in faces I see
Familiar and like long lost friends
The mystery reveals itself to me
Reconnect and unified again

After I'm Gone







© 2024 Ratchet Blade Records